Thursday, 12 July 2012

Some More Tips for mTurk. Get more in Less Time

So you are just new to Amazon Mechanical Turk and in the mood of making some extra dollars through this online job. You might also be an experienced person in mTurk but still looking to make more from the same efforts. So here are some of the best tips to make more money from mTurk.

If you are new to mTurk, you start with the easiest HITs available so that you get approval for almost all the HITs. The idea here is to increase your approval rate. Many of the Requesters keep most of the HITs for workers with high approval rate.

  • You can pass the qualification test to become eligible for more and more HITs. Check out the qualification tab for this.
  • Check each and every details before you accept the HIT and start completing this.
  • Use Chrome or Firefox to check different details in different tabs. Sort out the things in  different order in different window and compare and check every now and then through the reload button.
  • Once you are used to the system, try to do more and more with highest commission HITs. If you are not able to complete such tasks, try to analyze such HITs on regular basis to develop the skill and then work on high paid HITs.
  • If you think that some of the HITs are not approved even if you have done this properly or requester had not provided much details for that HIT, you can contact the requester directly. This way, you can get the approval for many of your rejected HITs.
  • Try to establish good relation with the requesters. This way, you will always have high approval rate from such requesters and sometime they can send you most of the HITs to you straight away without going to mTurk. This way, they can save the mTurk commission and you get Tasks which are available to you only.
  • Checkout mTurk communities and forums like and and always look for some ideas, share your experience, ask questions etc.

So keep working and make more. Good luck to all Turkers!

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