Sunday, 1 July 2012

How To Get Started In Adsense Revenue Sharing

You may need to review this information about setting up an Adsense account.
  •  Step 1. Join some or all of the revenue sharing sites
  • Step 2. Once you have joined follow the steps to set up an Adsense Account. Note: Some people have been having trouble establishing an Adsense. See below for how to get one more easily.
  •  Step 3. Invest your time and write, write, write. You won't earn unless you write lots of good articles
  •  Step 4. Get the support of your spouse and get them onboard writing articles or making a website with you.
To take advantage of some of most revenue sharing sites you must first get an Adsense account from Google. This is free and instructions can be found on most of the sites after joining up. Once you have your code you put that into your profile or account settings. 

Easiest Way To Get An Adsense Account
Often persons who do not have any articles on a site like Hubpages or Xomba will not be approved for an Adsense account. The hands down easiest way to get approved for Google Adsense is to go to Google's own and set up an account. Write a few good long blog posts about anything, then go to your dashboard and choose "Monetize" and "set up Adsense". Follow the steps to apply for an account and you should be approved in about a week or so. You can do this after signing up for some of the revenue sharing sites below and then return and plug your code, beginning with the letters PUB, into your accounts. 

How Does Google Adsense Revenue Sharing Work?
Most revenue sharing sites pay fifty percent of any advertising revenue they get from ads next to your article. Ads containing your code will be shown fifty percent of the time and ads containing the site's code will be shown the other fifty percent of the time. 

Can I Go Ahead and Write Even If My Adsense Account Is Not Yet Active?
You can go ahead and write articles for sites like Xomba even if your Adsense account is not approved yet. This way you will build up an inventory of work even if you are not yet earning from it.  Once your account is active you simply copy and paste your Adsense account number beginning with "pub.." into your profile on the site. At that point you will begin earning from all the articles you have ever posted on the site.

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