Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Earn Money Online in Different Ways

There are many ways to make online money. If you search the web to know different ways to earn, you will find a lot of websites telling 101 easy and free ways. I am writing this article not to tell the easiest but some effective and efficient ways to earn. Before starting I concede to readers that I don't know any way that could make one rich over a night. Rather I do believe, to become hero from zero one needs to work hard with full of energy, patience and enthusiasm. Let's have a bird view of this post. Here I have written about PPC, Affiliate Program, Freelancing very shortly.

On each making money way , I have tried to focus on the following questions:

1)how much can be earned?

2)how to start to earn?

3)time to spend each day? etc...

1)PPC Program: Pay Per Click(PPC) is an advertising program in which advertisers pay a fixed amount every time when one of the ads is clicked. You will find out some websites those give free ads to place it on your blog or website. Google Adsense, Chitika and Bidvertiser are the leading websites among them. Cost Per Click (CPC) amount varies from one to another. Usually Adsense or Chitika pay $0.11 for each click. Sometimes Adsense pays $10 for per click. CPC or CPM depends on many related issues which are not concerned in this post. Anyway, if you get thousands of visitors for your site than this way may help you to earn online hundreds of money each month.

2)Affiliate Program: Affiliate Marketing is a program in which business pay a fixed amount or a percentage for each visitor or customer bought an item of their products or you refer a new user/customer to sign up on their websites. For example Amazon offers affiliate program and it's referral rate is 4%. If visitor buys a product of $100 from your referral link, Amazon will pay you $4. Chitika rewards 10% of what of what your  referred publisher earns and pay $25 when your advertiser referral spends $100 for add campaign. To earn from affiliating program you need a blog or website, then find out the websites which offers affiliate program and before starting it I recommend you to read their program terms and conditions.  

3)Freelancing: Sell your expertise on marketplace. This is the fastest way to make money online without investment. , are websites that match buyers and sellers of internet provided services. Normally buyers offer projects on different fields such as computer programming, website design, graphic design, writing, copywriting, consulting, translating etc. You can earn $100 each day or even more from home.Since the projects are open for all you have to bid with proposal explaining the way to solve the problem.

List of popular networks:

How to put Adsense code in middle of blogger post

Normally each visitor visits your blog to read post. So if you put adsense in the middle or anywhere of post, ads can get clicked more frequently. It will  help to earn more $$.

To put adsense code in the blog post, it is better parse the code first.So parse it using AdParser.

After parsing,your ad code should look like this.

Log in to your dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML
Check on "Expand Widget Templates"

Now find out the following tag:-
Now replace above code with below code.

<div expr:id='"aim1" +'></div>

       <div style="clear:both; margin:10px 0">

<!-- Your AdSense code here -->


<div expr:id='"aim2" +'>



<script type="text/javascript">

var obj0=document.getElementById("aim1<>");

var obj1=document.getElementById("aim2<>");

var s=obj1.innerHTML;

var!-- adsense --x3E/igm);

if(r>0) {obj0.innerHTML=s.substr(0,r);obj1.innerHTML=s.substr(r+16);}


Now save your template.
Now in every blog post ,Put this special code : <!-- adsense --> in the place where you want to show your adsense ads.

Submit to Popular Search Engines To Boost Blog Traffic | SEO Tips

Search Engines are the source of huge amount of free traffic. Millions of People use search engine such as Google, Yahoo, MSN etc each day. To find your blog in search engines you have to submit your blog sitemaps. It does not assure that you will get a lot traffic from submission day.

Here SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the great concerns to index your blog at first page of search result. Search this blog for different SEO tips to optimize your site for popular search engines. Before optimization, first and foremost duty is to submit your blog/site to search engines.

Follow the list below to submit your blog’s URL to some popular search Engines:
1. Submit to Google Search Engine. (Gmail Login required)

2. Submit Sitemaps to Yahoo.

3. Blog Submission to MSN Search Engine

4.Exalead Search Engine

5.Submit Blog Sitemaps on Search Engine

6.Technorati (requires to sign up to claim a blog)

7. Submit to Open Directory

I hope you enjoy it. Now share it with your friends to help them.

How to add Different Meta tags to Different Blogger Posts | SEO Tips

If you are beginner in SEO and does not have any idea of Meta Tag, just read this post first about Meta Tag.It is very good for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Actually, why we are adding meta tags is to tell search engines what that page is all about... but, using same meta tags to all of your blog posts lessens the search engine rankings and traffic little bit.

But, if you add different unique meta tags to different Blog posts, it makes the search engines to know more about your individual blog posts and make them crawl and index your pages better and it also improves your Search engine rankings for sure ;)
How to insert Different Meta tags to Different Blogger Posts

1. Sign in to Blogger dashboard » Layout » Edit html and find out the following lines:

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

and add this code just below that line

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == ""'>
<meta content='DESCRIPTION' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/> </b:if>

We now added meta tags to the homepage. Next, you want to add meta description for another post, for example :
Now, what you have to do is pasting the above three lines below the present code and changing the link,description and keywords.
So, the final code now looks something like

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == ""'>
<meta content='DESCRIPTION' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/> </b:if>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "'>
<meta content='How to add Meta Tag to your Blogger Blog, SEO tips to add meta tag' name='description'/>
<meta content='Adding,Meta Tag,SEO ' name='keywords'/> </b:if>

Just like the above procedure, you can add different meta tags to as many blog posts as you can.

How to redirect feed to FeedBurner | Blogger Help

Blogger can redirect feed traffic of your blog to FeedBurner feed. It will help you to track 100% of your feed traffic and interact with all subscribers with FeedBurner account. To redirect Blogger feed:

Step 1: Login into Blogger account .
Step 2: From Blogger dashboard , click on Settings tab of your blog.
Step 3: Select Site Feed tab.
redirect feed
Step 4: Now type your Feedburner Feed Url into the Post Feed Redirect URL text field. Be sure that you include http://
feedburner help
Step 5: Click Save Settings.
You are done. Now Blogger will redirect feed traffic of your blog to Feedburner feed.

How to burn a Blogger feed | FeedBurner Help

If you are not familiar with blogger feed then it may be confusing to you. So I have tried to show you full tutorial on burning a feed with If you still confuse , just post a comment at the below of this post.

Step 1: Go to and click on Get Started.
Step 2: Login with google account.
Step 3: Enter Blog address in the "Burn a feed .." form just like below image. If you plan to publish a podcast with your Blogger feed, check "I am a podcaster" box. Then click NEXT>>

Step 4: Now you may see "Identify Feed Source". There you can choose one of feed sytles feeds/posts/default or feeds/posts/default?alt=rss.
Step 5: Fill up a feed title and feed burner address as you prefer. Normally you can choose your blog title. Click NEXT>>

Step 6: Read the information on "Congrats!" . You will find a feed url there. Click NEXT>>

Step 7: If you selected "I am a podcaster" on step 3, configuration options for our SmartCast service will appear. Here you can supply categories and other information for iTunes, append a copyright message, and submit your podcast to Yahoo! Search.

click NEXT>>
Step 8: On the stats configuration page, select the level of feed stats detail you want.

click NEXT>> to finish the process. You're now ready to make your FeedBurner feed available on your Blogger site!

Add Meta Tag for Blogger

What is Meta Tag?

Meta elements are HTML or XHTML elements used to provide information about a Web page or a blog. Meta tags is placed in the head section of an HTML or XHTML document. Meta tag is used to specify the page author, page description, page keyword. Look at the following image. Here the description after title is what i used as meta tag in my blog.


Why is Meta Tag?

Meta Tag is important for Search Engine Optimiziation. It helps Search Engine to index your pages more accurately in their database. It makes blog more popular by increasing more traffic. If you use accurate keyword as meta tag , search engine will try to bring your pages at 1st page. Here is process how to add meta tag in the blog of your blogger.

Steps To Add Meta Tag

Step 1: Login to then go to Dashboard.

Step 2: Go to Layout Tab.

Step 3: Go to Edit HTML tab.

You have to insert the following code.

<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='description'/>
<meta content='AUTHOR NAME HERE' name='author'/>

DESCRIPTION HERE: Insert description of your blog or site here.

KEYWORDS HERE: Keywords that describe your blog well.

AUTHOR NAME HERE: Your name or Blogger name.

Step 4: Now find out the following line: <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

Step 5: Now insert the meta tag after the above line.

meta tag

You are done. If you still confuse , search for Meta Tag Generator.

How to Make Money Taking Surveys

Survey Companies online will pay you real money to give your honest opinions on various topics. This is an excellent way to make extra cash working from the comfort of your home.


Instructions:  dollar

  1. Sign up for a free e-mail account at Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL. You will use this e-mail address
    specifically for all your online paid surveys. It's always a good idea to keep your personal and survey e-mail separate. Treat your survey e-mail like a business. When you sign in to your online survey are ready to work.
  2. Getting started. Start your search online for surveys that pay cash at one of the popular search engines like Google, Yahoo. Type phrases in the search box similar to the following: surveys for money, surveys for cash, paid surveys.
  3. Compile a list of the top 20 or 30 survey sites on the search engine. Visit each site and read their FAQ's section. And take a quick tour around the site.
  4. Narrow your list down to the top 10 survey sites that appeal to you the most.
  5. Revisit these survey sites. Read all the information. And make sure you understand their rules, regulations, and compensation awarded.
  6. Register with the survey sites on your list. Most will ask you to fill out a brief personal profile. This is so they might know which surveys would be most appropriate for you and your household.
  7. Next they will send you an email with your sign in information and password. Save this information in a secure place on your computer or write down the information in a notebook. In a short time you should start receiving invitations to take online surveys.


Tips & Warnings

  • Sign up with paypal because many survey sites pay thru paypal.

  • Some survey sites will also mail a check directly to your home after you reach a minimum cash amount in your account.

  • Other survey sites will compensate you with points you trade in for cash or redeem for gift certificates.

  • Many survey companies will also enter your name in a contest or sweepstakes for a large jackpot.

  • Join several survey sites to increase your earnings.

  • If finding paying survey sites is frustrating for you join one of the survey clubs with a list of verified survey sites you might join immediately. They charge a small fee.

  • Don't forget to read their privacy policy.

  • Never join a survey site you suspect is just a shady marketer looking to add you to an online e-mail list and sell your information to online marketer. These marketers will flood you with junk mails.

How to Make Fast Money Online Legally

You can make money online relatively quickly, but it is not easy and will require that you have some money available to spend. This method is simplified so anyone can understand it. However those who are new to making money online should not use it because if you do not do it properly, you can lose a lot more money than you will make. Newbies should instead find a method for making money that is more long-term.


  1. Create a website. If you do not already have a website, you will need one. The fastest way to do this is to create a free blog. Go to a site such as Blogger or Wordpress and make a blog. Pick a topic you know well and can write about.

  2. Fill the blog with content. The content does not have to be extensive, but it should prove that you are a real person and that you have good command of the English language. You won't actually be using this blog to make money; you will be using it to get approved for programs.

  3. Register with a CPA (cost per action) network. Go to a company such as Neverblue or FluxAds and sign up. They will ask you for your website address, so make sure the blog you created is up and running. These companies provide you with offers to promote. Each offer will pay you based on how many people you get to sign up for a free or paid offer, a trial, or a request for more information (i.e. pay per lead) or how many sales you make (i.e. pay per sale).

  4. Wait for approval. Once you register with offer companies, you will have to wait to be approved. Some companies will require a phone call. Sometimes they will call you, other times you must call them.

  5. Register with Google AdWords. While you are waiting for approval, sign up for an account with Google AdWords. This is what you will be using to get leads and make sales.

  6. Log in to your CPA network account. Once you are approved with a company such as NeverBlueAds or Flux Ads, you will log in using the information they give you. You can then begin to view offers to promote.Log in to your CPA network account. Once you are approved with a company such as NeverBlueAds or Flux Ads, you will log in using the information they give you. You can then begin to view offers to promote.

  7. Select the offers to promote. Select one offer and stick with it until you get more experience. Once you have the offer, write up a few different ads that you think will get people to try it. The ads must be short as per Google AdWords guidelines. You also will need to select search terms you want to bid on. For example, if you are promoting an offer for free chocolates, you might jot down terms such as "free chocolates" or "chocolate freebies." The more specific the terms, the better.

  8. Log in to AdWords and begin to bid on search terms. Select the terms you are bidding on and how much you are willing to pay each time someone clicks on the ad. Next, enter the ad copy you wrote for each term and the URL of where you want the person clicking on the ad to go. Wait for Google to approve the ad and get it running.

  9. Monitor your sales and your spending. You will pay each time someone clicks on the ad; no matter if they complete the offer or not, so you must carefully watch your spending. Analyze which keywords and ads are getting clicks and sales, and which are not.

Tips & Warnings

  • If you are not in a hurry to make money quickly, there are many options for making money online. One of the best options is to use the website you created on a long-term basis to generate revenue by either offering sponsorships, running pay-per-click ads or promoting the offers you signed up with.

  • Some offers do not allow you to use pay-per-click advertising to promote them. You will need to check each offer individually to find out if you are able to use this method.

  • You may not be able to link directly to the offer. Google may require that you link to your own website and then from there you link to the offer. If that's the case, then you should create a separate website whose only purpose is to promote that offer. Do not spend money to promote a site that does not have a targeted focus.