Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Earn Money Online in Different Ways

There are many ways to make online money. If you search the web to know different ways to earn, you will find a lot of websites telling 101 easy and free ways. I am writing this article not to tell the easiest but some effective and efficient ways to earn. Before starting I concede to readers that I don't know any way that could make one rich over a night. Rather I do believe, to become hero from zero one needs to work hard with full of energy, patience and enthusiasm. Let's have a bird view of this post. Here I have written about PPC, Affiliate Program, Freelancing very shortly.

On each making money way , I have tried to focus on the following questions:

1)how much can be earned?

2)how to start to earn?

3)time to spend each day? etc...

1)PPC Program: Pay Per Click(PPC) is an advertising program in which advertisers pay a fixed amount every time when one of the ads is clicked. You will find out some websites those give free ads to place it on your blog or website. Google Adsense, Chitika and Bidvertiser are the leading websites among them. Cost Per Click (CPC) amount varies from one to another. Usually Adsense or Chitika pay $0.11 for each click. Sometimes Adsense pays $10 for per click. CPC or CPM depends on many related issues which are not concerned in this post. Anyway, if you get thousands of visitors for your site than this way may help you to earn online hundreds of money each month.

2)Affiliate Program: Affiliate Marketing is a program in which business pay a fixed amount or a percentage for each visitor or customer bought an item of their products or you refer a new user/customer to sign up on their websites. For example Amazon offers affiliate program and it's referral rate is 4%. If visitor buys a product of $100 from your referral link, Amazon will pay you $4. Chitika rewards 10% of what of what your  referred publisher earns and pay $25 when your advertiser referral spends $100 for add campaign. To earn from affiliating program you need a blog or website, then find out the websites which offers affiliate program and before starting it I recommend you to read their program terms and conditions.  

3)Freelancing: Sell your expertise on marketplace. This is the fastest way to make money online without investment. , are websites that match buyers and sellers of internet provided services. Normally buyers offer projects on different fields such as computer programming, website design, graphic design, writing, copywriting, consulting, translating etc. You can earn $100 each day or even more from home.Since the projects are open for all you have to bid with proposal explaining the way to solve the problem.

List of popular networks:

How to put Adsense code in middle of blogger post

Normally each visitor visits your blog to read post. So if you put adsense in the middle or anywhere of post, ads can get clicked more frequently. It will  help to earn more $$.

To put adsense code in the blog post, it is better parse the code first.So parse it using AdParser.

After parsing,your ad code should look like this.

Log in to your dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML
Check on "Expand Widget Templates"

Now find out the following tag:-
Now replace above code with below code.

<div expr:id='"aim1" +'></div>

       <div style="clear:both; margin:10px 0">

<!-- Your AdSense code here -->


<div expr:id='"aim2" +'>



<script type="text/javascript">

var obj0=document.getElementById("aim1<>");

var obj1=document.getElementById("aim2<>");

var s=obj1.innerHTML;

var!-- adsense --x3E/igm);

if(r>0) {obj0.innerHTML=s.substr(0,r);obj1.innerHTML=s.substr(r+16);}


Now save your template.
Now in every blog post ,Put this special code : <!-- adsense --> in the place where you want to show your adsense ads.

Submit to Popular Search Engines To Boost Blog Traffic | SEO Tips

Search Engines are the source of huge amount of free traffic. Millions of People use search engine such as Google, Yahoo, MSN etc each day. To find your blog in search engines you have to submit your blog sitemaps. It does not assure that you will get a lot traffic from submission day.

Here SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the great concerns to index your blog at first page of search result. Search this blog for different SEO tips to optimize your site for popular search engines. Before optimization, first and foremost duty is to submit your blog/site to search engines.

Follow the list below to submit your blog’s URL to some popular search Engines:
1. Submit to Google Search Engine. (Gmail Login required)

2. Submit Sitemaps to Yahoo.

3. Blog Submission to MSN Search Engine

4.Exalead Search Engine

5.Submit Blog Sitemaps on Search Engine

6.Technorati (requires to sign up to claim a blog)

7. Submit to Open Directory

I hope you enjoy it. Now share it with your friends to help them.

How to add Different Meta tags to Different Blogger Posts | SEO Tips

If you are beginner in SEO and does not have any idea of Meta Tag, just read this post first about Meta Tag.It is very good for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Actually, why we are adding meta tags is to tell search engines what that page is all about... but, using same meta tags to all of your blog posts lessens the search engine rankings and traffic little bit.

But, if you add different unique meta tags to different Blog posts, it makes the search engines to know more about your individual blog posts and make them crawl and index your pages better and it also improves your Search engine rankings for sure ;)
How to insert Different Meta tags to Different Blogger Posts

1. Sign in to Blogger dashboard » Layout » Edit html and find out the following lines:

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

and add this code just below that line

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == ""'>
<meta content='DESCRIPTION' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/> </b:if>

We now added meta tags to the homepage. Next, you want to add meta description for another post, for example :
Now, what you have to do is pasting the above three lines below the present code and changing the link,description and keywords.
So, the final code now looks something like

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == ""'>
<meta content='DESCRIPTION' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/> </b:if>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "'>
<meta content='How to add Meta Tag to your Blogger Blog, SEO tips to add meta tag' name='description'/>
<meta content='Adding,Meta Tag,SEO ' name='keywords'/> </b:if>

Just like the above procedure, you can add different meta tags to as many blog posts as you can.

How to redirect feed to FeedBurner | Blogger Help

Blogger can redirect feed traffic of your blog to FeedBurner feed. It will help you to track 100% of your feed traffic and interact with all subscribers with FeedBurner account. To redirect Blogger feed:

Step 1: Login into Blogger account .
Step 2: From Blogger dashboard , click on Settings tab of your blog.
Step 3: Select Site Feed tab.
redirect feed
Step 4: Now type your Feedburner Feed Url into the Post Feed Redirect URL text field. Be sure that you include http://
feedburner help
Step 5: Click Save Settings.
You are done. Now Blogger will redirect feed traffic of your blog to Feedburner feed.

How to burn a Blogger feed | FeedBurner Help

If you are not familiar with blogger feed then it may be confusing to you. So I have tried to show you full tutorial on burning a feed with If you still confuse , just post a comment at the below of this post.

Step 1: Go to and click on Get Started.
Step 2: Login with google account.
Step 3: Enter Blog address in the "Burn a feed .." form just like below image. If you plan to publish a podcast with your Blogger feed, check "I am a podcaster" box. Then click NEXT>>

Step 4: Now you may see "Identify Feed Source". There you can choose one of feed sytles feeds/posts/default or feeds/posts/default?alt=rss.
Step 5: Fill up a feed title and feed burner address as you prefer. Normally you can choose your blog title. Click NEXT>>

Step 6: Read the information on "Congrats!" . You will find a feed url there. Click NEXT>>

Step 7: If you selected "I am a podcaster" on step 3, configuration options for our SmartCast service will appear. Here you can supply categories and other information for iTunes, append a copyright message, and submit your podcast to Yahoo! Search.

click NEXT>>
Step 8: On the stats configuration page, select the level of feed stats detail you want.

click NEXT>> to finish the process. You're now ready to make your FeedBurner feed available on your Blogger site!

Add Meta Tag for Blogger

What is Meta Tag?

Meta elements are HTML or XHTML elements used to provide information about a Web page or a blog. Meta tags is placed in the head section of an HTML or XHTML document. Meta tag is used to specify the page author, page description, page keyword. Look at the following image. Here the description after title is what i used as meta tag in my blog.


Why is Meta Tag?

Meta Tag is important for Search Engine Optimiziation. It helps Search Engine to index your pages more accurately in their database. It makes blog more popular by increasing more traffic. If you use accurate keyword as meta tag , search engine will try to bring your pages at 1st page. Here is process how to add meta tag in the blog of your blogger.

Steps To Add Meta Tag

Step 1: Login to then go to Dashboard.

Step 2: Go to Layout Tab.

Step 3: Go to Edit HTML tab.

You have to insert the following code.

<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='description'/>
<meta content='AUTHOR NAME HERE' name='author'/>

DESCRIPTION HERE: Insert description of your blog or site here.

KEYWORDS HERE: Keywords that describe your blog well.

AUTHOR NAME HERE: Your name or Blogger name.

Step 4: Now find out the following line: <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

Step 5: Now insert the meta tag after the above line.

meta tag

You are done. If you still confuse , search for Meta Tag Generator.

How to Make Money Taking Surveys

Survey Companies online will pay you real money to give your honest opinions on various topics. This is an excellent way to make extra cash working from the comfort of your home.


Instructions:  dollar

  1. Sign up for a free e-mail account at Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL. You will use this e-mail address
    specifically for all your online paid surveys. It's always a good idea to keep your personal and survey e-mail separate. Treat your survey e-mail like a business. When you sign in to your online survey are ready to work.
  2. Getting started. Start your search online for surveys that pay cash at one of the popular search engines like Google, Yahoo. Type phrases in the search box similar to the following: surveys for money, surveys for cash, paid surveys.
  3. Compile a list of the top 20 or 30 survey sites on the search engine. Visit each site and read their FAQ's section. And take a quick tour around the site.
  4. Narrow your list down to the top 10 survey sites that appeal to you the most.
  5. Revisit these survey sites. Read all the information. And make sure you understand their rules, regulations, and compensation awarded.
  6. Register with the survey sites on your list. Most will ask you to fill out a brief personal profile. This is so they might know which surveys would be most appropriate for you and your household.
  7. Next they will send you an email with your sign in information and password. Save this information in a secure place on your computer or write down the information in a notebook. In a short time you should start receiving invitations to take online surveys.


Tips & Warnings

  • Sign up with paypal because many survey sites pay thru paypal.

  • Some survey sites will also mail a check directly to your home after you reach a minimum cash amount in your account.

  • Other survey sites will compensate you with points you trade in for cash or redeem for gift certificates.

  • Many survey companies will also enter your name in a contest or sweepstakes for a large jackpot.

  • Join several survey sites to increase your earnings.

  • If finding paying survey sites is frustrating for you join one of the survey clubs with a list of verified survey sites you might join immediately. They charge a small fee.

  • Don't forget to read their privacy policy.

  • Never join a survey site you suspect is just a shady marketer looking to add you to an online e-mail list and sell your information to online marketer. These marketers will flood you with junk mails.

How to Make Fast Money Online Legally

You can make money online relatively quickly, but it is not easy and will require that you have some money available to spend. This method is simplified so anyone can understand it. However those who are new to making money online should not use it because if you do not do it properly, you can lose a lot more money than you will make. Newbies should instead find a method for making money that is more long-term.


  1. Create a website. If you do not already have a website, you will need one. The fastest way to do this is to create a free blog. Go to a site such as Blogger or Wordpress and make a blog. Pick a topic you know well and can write about.

  2. Fill the blog with content. The content does not have to be extensive, but it should prove that you are a real person and that you have good command of the English language. You won't actually be using this blog to make money; you will be using it to get approved for programs.

  3. Register with a CPA (cost per action) network. Go to a company such as Neverblue or FluxAds and sign up. They will ask you for your website address, so make sure the blog you created is up and running. These companies provide you with offers to promote. Each offer will pay you based on how many people you get to sign up for a free or paid offer, a trial, or a request for more information (i.e. pay per lead) or how many sales you make (i.e. pay per sale).

  4. Wait for approval. Once you register with offer companies, you will have to wait to be approved. Some companies will require a phone call. Sometimes they will call you, other times you must call them.

  5. Register with Google AdWords. While you are waiting for approval, sign up for an account with Google AdWords. This is what you will be using to get leads and make sales.

  6. Log in to your CPA network account. Once you are approved with a company such as NeverBlueAds or Flux Ads, you will log in using the information they give you. You can then begin to view offers to promote.Log in to your CPA network account. Once you are approved with a company such as NeverBlueAds or Flux Ads, you will log in using the information they give you. You can then begin to view offers to promote.

  7. Select the offers to promote. Select one offer and stick with it until you get more experience. Once you have the offer, write up a few different ads that you think will get people to try it. The ads must be short as per Google AdWords guidelines. You also will need to select search terms you want to bid on. For example, if you are promoting an offer for free chocolates, you might jot down terms such as "free chocolates" or "chocolate freebies." The more specific the terms, the better.

  8. Log in to AdWords and begin to bid on search terms. Select the terms you are bidding on and how much you are willing to pay each time someone clicks on the ad. Next, enter the ad copy you wrote for each term and the URL of where you want the person clicking on the ad to go. Wait for Google to approve the ad and get it running.

  9. Monitor your sales and your spending. You will pay each time someone clicks on the ad; no matter if they complete the offer or not, so you must carefully watch your spending. Analyze which keywords and ads are getting clicks and sales, and which are not.

Tips & Warnings

  • If you are not in a hurry to make money quickly, there are many options for making money online. One of the best options is to use the website you created on a long-term basis to generate revenue by either offering sponsorships, running pay-per-click ads or promoting the offers you signed up with.

  • Some offers do not allow you to use pay-per-click advertising to promote them. You will need to check each offer individually to find out if you are able to use this method.

  • You may not be able to link directly to the offer. Google may require that you link to your own website and then from there you link to the offer. If that's the case, then you should create a separate website whose only purpose is to promote that offer. Do not spend money to promote a site that does not have a targeted focus.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Top 5 Google Adsense Approval Dirty Tricks

Hi Visitors you know Google earns $761.71 in one second and its annual revenue is near $23,800,000,000. It simply provides ads which is only put on website or blog and its pay when any one click on its ads.But its hard to get Adsense account because google conditions are very tough.According to these conditions you should have a top level domain,domain is 6 month old and website should completely developed and contain original material.But if you want Google Adsense account in under 1 day or in 6 hours by legal and genuine way then you are in right place. I will mentioned here few steps one by one you can choose any one that you want and can easily get your Adsense account.

Method 1:

  • DOCSTOC go here and click on register.

docstoc home page

  • Fill your detail here and click on complete registration

docstoc signup

  • After that it will ask you about google adsense account.
  • Click on “I would like to set up an account ” and fill all detail.
doc cash
  • Finally it will send instructions in your mail you just follow instruction and you will get Adsense account in 6 hours or in 24 hours.

Method 2:

This is also one of the best method to get adsense account.This method has been mentioned probably 100 times, but i will be using a twist to make this work.

1. Make a new gmail account.

2. Now go to Ezine Articles site or any article site you want and then choose a niche (make sure it’s popular).

3. Go to and register a new blog ‘make sure a title and domain name you choosing is related to your niche’ and select your theme.

4. After that copy 5 articles related to your niche and paste in to your blog one by one in the form of post.

5. Make sure Articles are well formatted and have space between paragraphs.

6. Most people go to and signup, but the twist is to signup directly from blogger. Once you have about 5 well formatted articles then you should see “Monetize” in the tabs section.

7. Click signup for adsense.

8. You will have 4 options now, choose the 1st one which is “Display ads in my sidebar and posts”, so when you fill up the form you will see Adsense advertisements right away.

9. Fill in the required detail, correct and genuine detail.

10. My favorite, wait about a day or two (usually less than 12 hours) and you will get approved.


Method 3:

  1. Go to Bukisa and register for new member.
  2. Confirm your email to complete your register.
  3. Download one or some free e-Book from any search engine, like example use Google.
  4. You can use some topic based from your interest like Money Online or anything.
  5. Now copy and paste those articles from that e-Book to Bukisa.
  6. Submit minimal three contents, and wait until they accepted.
  7. Some time the site is in heavy job and approve the articles after 2 days.
  8. Soon you will get Bukisa mails that inform your articles have approved.
  9. After getting approved article apply for Google Adsense by this way.
  10. Bukisa may ask you if you already have Google Adsense Account and then tick no.
  11. Next, enter your e-Mail Id that you have given at the time of bukisa sign up.
  12. Last, you will get a link in your e-mail and that is for your Google Adsense.
  13. Fill it and be sure that the info you will give to them must match with Bukisa.
  14. And done, You will get email from Google Adsense that your account is approved.

Method 4:

Follow the below mentioned steps and you will get Adsense approval in just 2 days. (Now this site is in Sale)

  1. Go to Flixya
  2. Register and complete ten contents.
  3. It may be photo, blog, article, and video.
  4. After that once you make your current account with this site you will get a fresh form in the second step, the Google Adsense sign up form. Input your valid e-mail address to start a Adsense account. We prefer G-mail regarding far better results.
  5. After you sign up it gives you a publication Id and then after 1-2 days your account will be approved

Method 5:

Unless you have any videos or even PPT presentations to talk about for the above site next i've one more strategy to get you approval with Adsense in mere two days

  1. You all may be aware of Indyarocks, the 1st step is to go to Indyarocks and the first step should be to visit Indyarocks and apply for an account with them.
  2. Once you register, sign in to your current account plus check out earning link around the right sidebar inside your profile.
  3. Indyarocks is a channel associate with google adsense that makes it possible to to earn income with them by sharing and also generating blogs. And you must satisfy their following conditions for adsense approval. Note the below mention conditions of indyarocks to get full filed for adsense approval. Your own Profile should be at least 80% complete.
    • Your profile privacy should be set to everyone.
    • You have to publish as a minimum ten photos for your profile and also the privacy from the photos should be set to everyone.
    • You need to posting at least 2/3 blogs and also the articles needs to be unique and also the privacy from the blogs should be set to everyone.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Click Exchange Program for Adsense

adsense click exchange

Hello friends , this tutorial is for those guys who has already created an account on adsense. If you haven't created the account on adsense yet then check this topic EARN ONLINE WITH ADSENSE.Moreover here is a trick for creating adsense account in few days . Approve adsense account in few days .Try it too for adsense approval.Anyways now come to the main tutorial. In this tutorial i m showing u that how can u increase your earning on Google thru click exchange program.

What is Click Exchange Program ?

Its simple ,Google doesn't allow you to click on your own ads ..... so here is the solution u click on someone else blog and in return he will click on your blog ..... but remember take much much care while doing so ..... if you do click exchange with just one person then google will disable u ....

Now read it carefully :

Now This Is The Most Important Part Of The Work Because If You Don't Work Properly Then Members Wont Work With You Again So Understand It Completely

  • Make A Yahoo ID And Sign In Yahoo Messenger (Download this from official website) . 
  • Now post your yahoo account here and add the other yahoo accounts posted here.
  • After You Add The Members You See Different Messages Coming "free For Clicks". 
  • This Means Members Want To Work .

How To Work??

  • Before Start Working You Have To Understand Few Things

              1. Ads
              2. Impressions ( imp )
              3. Bps

  • Members Will Work With Request Or Ask You To Req To Start Work
  • Request Will Be Like This Most Of The Time 3 Ads 30 imp 3 bps.
  • That Means You Have To Open Three Ads On The Blog Of That Member, refresh The Blog 30 times And Open 3 subpages On Each of The Add You Just Opened.
  • So In The Meanwhile The Member Will Do The Same For You.
  • How To Know That Others Are Not Cheating And Doing Your Work While You Are Doing His Work???
  • Counter Is For That Purpose Because IMP Are Counted By The Counter , When The Member Refreshes Your Page Your Counter Ticks So You Will Know That The Member Is Working.
  • About Add And Bps For This There Is Another Solution.
  • When You Open An Add Eg: http//
  • Copy And Paste The Add Link To The Other Member So That He Can Know What You Have Clicked On.
  • But Remember Do not Copy http And www Part Simply Copy From And Paste It.
  • Same Work With The Bps When You Open Bps In New Window Copy And Paste The Link And Send It To The Member.
  • This Way Cheating Is Avoided.

But remember :

  • Remember Never Click On Your Own Add Because Your Account Will Be Closed Immediately.
  • 1st All Of The Users Here In This Community Start Working With Each Other To Practice The Method Of The Work So That You Don't Loose The Members.
  • If Anybody Form Gets Rejected Don't Worry Register Again With The Same Process.
  • On Forex Ads You Earn Almost 10 dollars On 25 Clicks On Ads.
  • That Means If 1 Members Click On Your 3 Ads 10 Members click On 30 Ads= 10+ Dollars.
  • If You Work With 10 Members In 1 Day It Means $10+ And 30 Days Means $300+.
  • And The More You Work The More You Earn.

Having any problem can ask in the comments..... :))

But in fact Google engineers always monitoring on adsense account. So 90% of the accounts are suspending everyday. So, be Genuine and follow SEO rules to save accounts, earnings and efforts. ALL THE BEST

List of Adsense Revenue Sharing Sites - Earn Extra Money

In the last post we have seen about how to start adsense revenue sharing program on . Now i am going to tell you about some other sites which also allows adsense revenue sharing program so you can also earn through these sites too.By taking part in the Adsense Revenue Sharing communities and websites, you have a great way to earn extra income. Often the Adsense revenue shared is between 50 and 100 percent for the content that you add to the specific site. This content could be in the form of a forum thread that you start, an article, a video or picture, a blog, or other types of content.If you spread your efforts across different sites, you could make some decent income. It is also an effective way of generating income for your own site by giving the visitors an incentive to contribute and keep returning.

  • AdSensigg – AdSensigg = AdSense + DIGG-like (interesting idea) – 50% Adsense Revenue Share
  • Dosh Dosh – Invite only revenue sharing community – Unknown
  • Free Ads with Adsense Revenue Sharing – Interesting link building venture – Unknown
  • FunAdvice – Advice and answers site – Unknown
  • Google Earth Hacks – Google Earth hacks forum – 75%
  • Hub Pages Publish information on a topic you love to write about – 10% (oh boy!)
  • Trend Hunter Report trends that you find – 100% New!
  • Senserely Yours – An entire community based around sharing Adsense Revenue – Unknown
  • That’s Pretty Dumb – Highlighting the stupidest things businesses do to us –100%
  • QooForum – A general forum about anything and everything – 50%
  • – A gadgets article and blog site – 75%
  • You Say Too – Revenue Sharing Community – 50%



Rating Sites

Rights and Advocacy


Domain/SEO/Advertising/Webmaster Sites

Home Improvement


Social Networking

  • Google Knol – Wikipedia-like site by Google – 100%
  • FriendTrain – social media site – Unknown
  • Lensroll – Directory of Squidoo pages – 50%
  • Squidoo - An excellent social media site – Shares revenue based upon various criteria *very good source of revenue!
  • Qassia – Articles Submission and social media – 100% New!
  • Tagfoot - Excellent social bookmarking site – 50%+ New!
  • Xomba - Make posts, share links with other Xomba users – 50%


IT, Tech-related

Video and Photo

What is Adsense Revenue Sharing Program

Must check this trick for creating Adsense Account Trick to Create an Adsense Account In Few Hours .

What is Adsense Revenue Sharing Program

I have already posted about earning through google (adsense) in which i have completely explained about how to put the google ads on your blog.Now i am going to tell you about another way through which you can earn more using your adsense account.This method is particularly useful for those people who dont have a running blog so couldn't get much through adsense.This method is called Adsense Revenue Sharing program.

Have already heard anything about Revenue Sharing Sites?

Revenue Sharing Sites are sites which place ads (particularly from adsense) of its members throughout its website. The site ads and the member’s ads impressions will be divided according to the site’s rules. Revenue Sharing Sites can be a Social networking, Forum or Article Marketing Website.

Does it violate TOS of Adsense?

As of now, I haven’t found any conflicts of this concept to the TOS of Adsense. If you are worried that this might be an illegal way of earning in adsense then as of now, it is not directly define in any sentences within the TOS of adsense. There are a lot of Revenue Sharing sites that exist for a very long time now. A very popular Revenue Sharing Forum Site is the DP or Digital Points.

DP is doing this concept for how many days and months still, there are no reports from its members of getting suspended by adsense because of joining the site. Getting to Know Revenue Sharing Sites As I have said, this kind of site can be in form of forum, social networking or article submission site. Adsense, as we all know can pay you by the number of page impression who have made with their adsense placing on it. In a forum revenue sharing site, it works based on your activity. If you post messages on discussions or making your own discussions, every time a visitor hits and read that page and your ads is currently in display, you have a great chance on earning from it.

The key on this kind of forum sites is to be active and make discussions that are interesting. For social networking site, it works when someone view your profile. Some other sites would offer a random placing of ads on the top of their every page. For article submission sites, it works when someone view your article. The ads will match to the article that you have made, so the possibility of ads getting click by the reader is very high.

If you are an adsense user and you think that your blog or website traffic is not enough to make a good traffic to earn with your adsense, you may want to try on joining to this Revenue Sharing Sites.

If you have any confusion about adsense revenue sharing program then ask here.

Approve Adsense Account within 2 Days

I have posted in the previous posts about the adsense earning and a lot about how to increase it with adsense revenue programs.Now i am going to tell you about a new trick through which you will get adsense account quite easily.

Adsense has actually stopped accounts in INDIA because of spam.But though this trick you can get adsense account easily.

How To Get Adsense Account?

  • Its Simple
  • Go Here And Register Then On the right Side Click On Google Adsense.
  • Complete Their Requirements And Fill the form, Your Account Will Be approved 3 To 48 Hours.
  • So this Is What You Need Right
  • Do not Make More Then 1 Account With 1 IP/Home address And User Name Because then Your All Accounts Will Be Banned.
    Enjoy :)

I think you guys must Check this too Approve adsense account in just few hours

Approve adsense account in few days

Adsense has become very careful in the approval of account specially in middle east countries like Pakistan ,India etc . Anyways we have found a trick for the adsense approval ...... herez the trick .

For Pakistanis

If u are feeling problem in approving your account then do the following steps during registration on adsense but remember before apply your  blog must have at least 10 topics,just copy paste material from net .....

  • Put your city : quetta
  • Country name : pakistan
  • Address : write any adress
  • Phone no : write any mob no
  • Postal address : 87300
  • Now submit it ... it will be approved just after one or two days . After that sign in and go in personal settings and change all of ur settings i.e adress,phone no etc to originals.

For Indians

No Need to own a web site of six month old. Rule to get Adsense approval:

  • Register your self at Indyarocks.
  • Upload a profile image.
  • Complete your profile.
  • Upload 10 photos in photo album.
  • Write 2 blogs of 100 words
  • Now apply adsense using your Gmail.You will get adsense approved with in 2 days.

I think you guys must check this trick too a more fastest way to get Adsense account in just few Hours .Best of luck guys ..... If this trick works for you , do let me know ..... :))

Trick to Create an Adsense Account In Few Hours

100% adsense approval trick

Google AdSense is widely used platform to generate revenue from blogs or by publishing contents online. Unfortunaley, there are large number of people who are misusing Google AdSense. One of the popular misuse is having more than 1 Google Account and another is selling Google AdSense accounts. Google has a team of smart people, trust me, they will disable your account whenever they audited your account manually. Because of such misuses, Google has stricken their policies and people are facing problems while creating new Google adsense account. Earlier we published an article on how to get AdSense quick approve which works like a charm however here is another trick to Get Adsense account within few hours successfully.<

AdSense Account within Few Hours

Well, there is not any magic involved in this trick. It only depends on selection of right combination of various factors while applying for a Google Adsense account.

  • Create a Yahoo email address (also called Yahoo! ID) with your name such
  • Signup for Blogger with same Yahoo! Email ID.
  • Create a Blogger Blog on your name i.e. If Yourname is not available then add some additional number to it but must use your full name i.e.
  • Post just 3 articles about your self such as Your life in High School, How was your Yesterday, Any movie you watched etc. Write your own words instead of copying from Internet.
  • Now, its time to apply for an AdSense account - Go to Monetize tab from your blogger account and apply for an AdSense account.
  • You will get the response from Google Adsense team within few hours.

There is not something illegal or tricky in this method so it does not violates the Google Adsense TOS at all. I wonder what makes Google Adsense team to approve such accounts with highest priority.

6 Ways to Create an Adsense Account without Having a Website

adsensw approval trick

Google AdSense is one of the most popular way to make money from Internet by displaying ads on your web pages. Google AdSense was launched on June 18, 2003 and today there are millions of Google AdSense publishers. Google easily approves AdSense accounts in most of countries but in few countries Google hardly approve AdSense applications. The reason is, applying for an Adsense account through low quality-content websites. If you are having a website, then you must know how to create an adsense account successfully within few hours. However, you can get an AdSense account even without owning a website.

Many people are selling AdSense account by using trick to Create AdSense account immediately. Actually there is no trick behind creating an Adsense account. They just make people fool by creating AdSense account via other websites. Other websites mean those websites who have revenue sharing system. Following are 7 websites which allows you to create an AdSense account. You don't have to pay them for this, just create an account there and apply for your AdSense account.

1- (also known as is a free blogging service from Google Inc. This is just like creating a free website on a sub-domain.Blogger gives you huge space to upload your text contents and pictures plus gives you so many templates with customization option. Just go to, create your blog, post some unique articles and Apply for an AdSense account through their Monetize tab.


Hubpages is a website where people post their articles and get paid out of it. Hubpages is a revenue sharing website where you can share your article on any subject and they will pay you for this. You can apply for an AdSense account via their Revenue share system.

3- Docstoc

Its really simple and easy to create an AdSense via Docstoc. Go to Docstoc, upload few documents there such as txt, doc or presentation files. But make sure those files contain some well written form. Simply go to Docstoc, create an account, upload few docs and apply for an AdSense account.

4- BloggerParty

This is yet another revenue sharing website. It works like Hubpages. All you have to do is create an account there, share your experience there. When you signup for an account, you will see an option to signup for Google AdSense account through them. Select that option and you will get an account successfully.

5- IndyaRocks

This is a social network almost like Facebook. Here you can make friends, update your status, share pictures etc. First of all, create an account there and complete your profile. Write 5 blogs at least and when you have done with it simply apply for an Adsense account application.

6- Webanswers is just like Yahoo! Answers. People ask questions on various topics and others can answer this. You can get an AdSense account from this website also. Simply go to this website, post answers to some questions.

How to Earn Online with adsense

Many People Here Wish To Earn Online But Most Of Them Are Just Fake Sites Which Provide Online Earning.Here Is A Simple And Easy Way To EARN MONEY ONLINE. Its Not About Increasing Your Referrals To Earn Money Or Something Else. You Can Earn Through Google Every Day As Much As You can.
Google Is A World Wide Popular Website So They Wont Cheat You. What You Have To Do Is Simply Make A Site And Start Displaying Ads Provided By Google And You Will Start Earning. ..You have seen these ads on many sites like ads by Google.In our site, you can see Google ads above and below of all posts.


Many People Know About Google Adsense But Others Do Not Know So Its A Nice Method To Earn Online.For Those Who Don't Know About This Simply Follow These Steps And You Will Know How To Do This.

1st Step

  • Make A Gmail Id

2nd Step

  • Go To Blogger And Make A Blog On Forex.
  • Collect Data On Your Blog About Forex. I Recommend Forex. Becoz Forex Adds Can Earn You The Maximum.

3rd Step

  • After Making Your Blog Go To Adsense And Fill The Form For Registration.
  • Remember Give Your Complete Name And Address And Correct Address Because You Receive Checks And PIN Code At That Address.
  • And Also Give Your Blog URL You Just Created.

4th Step

  • After A Week Or Before That You Will Be Registered By Adsense Then Go To And Activate Your Account.

5th Step

  • Go To Blogger And Sign In.
  • Open Your Blog And Click On Layout.
  • Click On Ad Gadget And Then Select HTML Script

6th Step

  • You Have To Put A Counter On That Blog , Advantage Of That Counter Will Be Known Later. 
  • Search On Google "Counter For Free" And You Will Get Many Site For Free Counter. 
  • Then Fill The Form Their And Copy The Code And Paste It In That Gadget OF HTML And Save It.
  • Now You Will See A Counter On Your Blog As Well.

7th Step

  • Again Click On Design>Add a page element> Adsense
  • And Select The Type Of Banner You Want To Show Ads And Add Them Thats It. 
  • Save It And You Are Ready To Work Now.
  • Whoever clicks on ur ads u will get money


  • Remember Never Click On Your Own Add Becoz Your Account Will Be Closed Immediately.
  • If Anybody Form Gets Rejected Don't Worry Register Again With The Same Process.


  • After Getting your adsense account ,now the problem is how to earn through it ,how can you make users to click on your ads. For this I have written a tutorial named Click Exchange Program For Adsense.Read that tutorial carefully and if you having any problem i am here to help you guys out.
  • There are many other sites like adsense,you can also try them to get more but again i will suggest adsense as it is the most paying site.You can also learn How to Earn through Adbrite.
  • If you are getting problem in approval of your adsense account then check Get Adsense Account in Few Days.
  • Here is a tutorial about Hack Adsense and Get Unlimited Clicks.

Hope you guys like it and if you got your adsense account do let me know .... :))

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

How to Qualify for using Google Adsense?

Qualifying for Google Adsense represent an interesting matter, as the demands for acceptance a site are mostly common knowledge and are nothing extraordinary.

To qualify for using Google Adsense in your website all you need is a decent website with at least 10 to 15 web pages with qualifying content. Google specifies a list of topics for which they won't server Ads. Other than that there is no strict conditions such as how big the site should be and how much traffic should it attract. However a webmaster has to first understand Google's Terms of Service, in which Google outlines the Dos and Don'ts of using Adsense on your web site.

The webmaster need to be very careful before applying to Adsense and make sure that his website or blog indeed qualifies for Google Adsense. It is very difficult and frustrating to get into the program or reapply to the program, if you are once rejected. So here we outline some of the things you need to keep in mind before approching Google for Adsense (and to get success out of it, of course).


You need to keep in mind that Google Adsense is there primarily for content-based sites. Websites that focus on pure product sales or only for Ads kinds of sites may not be proper for Adsense. Moreover, all you are promoting is your own product(s), then hosting Adsense might work against you, as the Ads that show up will be direct competitors. So it makes no sense in such cases. If you are building content that is useful for general website visitors, or content focused on specific topic (niche sites) then you will have good chance of succeeding with Adsense.

Forums & Blogs

Some blogs or forums may not be accepted. Still, if the forum or blog is information-rich then they are not only accepted, but may work really well with AdSense for their owners.

Google started with not accepting this type of sites. But it turned out that, in some cases, they represent exactly what users are looking for: Honest, useful, unbiased information, where anybody can express just what they truly think, and right when they feel the need to do it. On condition they are not artificially created for other purpose than that of letting their users interact in the world of ideas and benefit from each other's experience and knowledge.

Image Galleries

Image sites may host AdSense if the images are accompanied by as little as some brief explanatory lines, relevant for the Mediabot, the Googles Media crawler. But these may not yield good results compared to content sites.

Chat Sites

These are not suitable for Google Adsense and thay may not even allow these kind of small talk sites.

How Google Adsense Works?

Google Adsense advertising system invloves three different kinds of people:

  • Advertisers: Advertisers use Google Adwords program to advertise their Ads not only on the Google Search results, but also on the content pages of the external websites and blogs that participate in Google Adsense Program. They do this on either PPC (Pay-Per-Click) or CPM (Pay-Per-Thousand Impressions) basis. Advertisers can optionally select which websites they want their Ads to show on.

  • Publishers or Web site owners: Website owners and Blog owners participate in Google Adsense using which they place the Ads served by Google on their content web pages. They do this by placing a JavaScript provided by Google on their WebPages or blogs. Website owners has the option to choose various formats, colors and a whole lot of customization options using which they can control and blend the Ads according to the look of their websites. Google Adsense program also provides various performance monitoring options (such as channels) for website owners to track and maximise the performance of Ads on their web sites.

  • Website Visitors: When a visitor visits a Google Adsense Participant's website, they see relevant Ads along side the content. If the visitor clicks on any of these Ads, Google shares an undisclosed percentage of the cost of that click with the website owner.

Hence this is how we can summaries the process of how Adsense Program works:

  1. The website owner signs in to the program.

  2. Ads are placed on the website according to:

    • AdSense contextual selection and filtering criteria
    • the publisher's options (the publisher gets to filter ads)
    • the advertiser's option, in the case of impressions-based advertising (the advertiser can choose from a number of available sites)
  3. The publisher receives an undisclosed share of the revenue from the ads.

AdSense is based on the PPC and CPM advertising payment models.

Pay Per Click: AdSense PPC advertisments are text ads that appear on your website according to its contextual selection and filtering criteria. When a site visitor clicks on the ad, the advertiser is charged a small amount, of which Google keeps some and pays some to the website owner.

Pay-Per-Thousand Impressions (CPM): AdSense CPM ads are text or image ads and are site-targeted. The advertiser pays each time his ad is displayed on a page (every time Google ad code is executed by a user's browser). The same, each time an impression is registered, a share of the money goes to the publisher. In this case the advertiser gets to choose the sites on which his ads will show.

Here's how things are going to work behind the scenes: Google centralizes the advertisement through AdWords and uses a contextual targeting algorithm for their placement, that is, sorts them out so as to place them on sites with specific appropriate content.

The strategy lies in the reasoning according to which surfers that visit a page might be interested in finding additional info or products on that particular topic. And it works if the website is good enough for the purpose. Hense by having an attractive website and keeping visitors interested so they feel the need to go further and find out more by clicking on the ads, a Website or Blog owner can benefit from the Google Adsense program.

What is Google Adsense?

Adsense is an advertising program run by Google that allows the businesses to run their advertisements on the websites of the publishers who participate in the program. Website owners can enroll in the Adsense program and opt to display the text, image and video ads on their websites that are related to the content of their websites. Google takes care of administering their ads and generate revenue for the publishers on either a per-click or per-thousand-impressions basis.


Google utilizes its search technology to serve ads based on website content, the user's geographical location, and other factors. Those wanting to advertise with Google's targeted ad system may sign up through AdWords. AdSense has become a popular method of placing advertising on a website because the ads are less intrusive than most banners, and the content of the ads is often relevant to the website. When a user clicks on any of the Ads displayed on the publishers website, Google shares a certain percentage of the cost that the Advertiser pays for that click with the publisher.

Currently, the AdSense uses JavaScript code to incorporate the advertisements into a participating site. If it is included on a site which has not yet been crawled by the Mediabot, it will temporarily display advertisements for charitable causes known as public service announcements (PSAs). Optionally the publisher can choose to display ads from a different website or simply to show a solid color if he don't want PSAs to show on his site.

Many websites and blogs use AdSense to monetize their content and this caused the creation of millions of niche based websites that focus on a specific niche and attract the visitors and ads related to that niche.

Web masters use several ways to monitise their websites and blogs. Some of them are:

  • They use a wide range of traffic generating techniques including but not limited to online advertising.
  • They build valuable content on their sites which attracts AdSense ads which pay out the most when they get clicked.
  • They use various techniques on their websites that encourage clicks on ads. However, Google prohibits people from using phrases like "Click on my AdSense ads" to increase click rates. Phrases accepted are "Sponsored Links" and "Advertisements".

The source of all AdSense income is the AdWords program which in turn has a complex pricing model based on a Vickrey second price auction, in that it commands an advertiser to submit a sealed bid (not observable by competitors). Additionally, for any given click received, advertisers only pay one bid increment above the second-highest bid.

Adsense for Search

Adsense for Search is a companion to the regular AdSense program, that allows website owners to place Google search boxes on their pages. When a user searches the web or the site with the search box, Google shares any ad revenue it makes from those searches with the site owner. However, only if the ads on the page are clicked, the publisher is paid. Adsense does not pay publishers for mere searches.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Top 10 Websites to Earn Money Online For Indians

One fine day Mr. Purna Duggirala left his high paying job and became a professional blogger when he saw that his blog is actually making more money than his regular job. This is yet another story of a professional blogger Purna, nicknamed Chandoo of, where he writes how to effectively use Microsoft Excel.

There are many such examples where people have left high paying jobs and have started to earn full-time income from their home. One thing that is common among such stories is that they blog about something that they are extremely knowledgeable of, in case of it was his expertise about Microsoft Excel. One another such example is of Mr. Amit Agarwal of who has great knowledge in all things technology, and he blogs about the same.

Before diving further let me warn you about another aspect in this; if a handful of them have made it to six-figure incomes right then there are scores of other people that have lost money and haven’t made a single cent.

There are all sort of bad advice out there in the cyberspace that 'promise' you’ll get overnight success. Nobody can guarantee that you’ll be able to replace your day job. But don't get discouraged, there are some websites where you can at least make some cash. These are not get rich quick type of sites (no website can guarantee that; one who guarantees is a scam), just like anywhere else it takes time and effort to make anything on the net.

So if you are a student, stay at home mom, or anybody who has some time to invest then you can make some money from the sites that I’m going to list below. So for all those who already have a day job don’t ever think to leave your current job to pursue make money online.

I'm not here to give you the ways that you can make money online, I'll be giving specific websites that you can sign-up, and that too absolutely free to get started.

From the last two years, I have been working part-time on the internet in some or the other way. I have never spent anything to earn on the net. I had that much in my head that I will get scammed if I pay. Don't ever spend money to earn money (pun unintended).

I'm writing this hub by keeping in my mind readers from India but all of the sites listed below allow people from anywhere, say for instance these sites allow people from Pakistan, Philippines, China etc.

Though explaining ever other thing or rule about the listed sites will be a far over-stretched for this article. So I will provide links pointing for each of them so that you will get additional information on that aspect.

Writing Articles Online

One of the most preferred ways to make money online is by writing content. If your written English is good, that is you have good grammar and can get your point fairly easily across the reader then you can write online.

Majorly there are two ways from where you can write and earn online. One is that you start your own blog and the other is to write articles for revenue-sharing websites.


The site on which you are reading this article is one such site where anybody can write articles and earn revenue generated on their article.image

There are many such revenue sharing website all over the web but Hubpages is by far the best site according to my experience.

There is a pre-requisite for getting started at (aff. link), it is that you must have an approved Adsense account. Getting an adsense account requires you to have good content on your profile and you should be a member here for at least six months. However, this is not compulsory to get approved by Google Adsense. I got my adsense approved from a revenue sharing site within two months.

So practically you won't earn before getting approved. Once you get approved then you can make money. Have some thoroughly researched articles and I'm sure you'll get an adsense account pretty easily within six months.

There are also other ways to earn here like promoting products of or More information on the links below.

To get how it works you must read voraciously about each and every aspect to understand the process. Learn about each and every thing.

Links to know more about:

  • Learning Center - This is the most useful for a newbie. Get every information about how you can get started here.
  • Hubpages Faq - To know about the rules and other information that you must know
  • If you still have a question to ask you can ask at the Q & A section.


Squidoo is also a revenue sharing website more or same on the lines of Hubpages. But there is a good news for all those folks that don't have an adsense account. You can still earn here without having an adsense account.image

It works like this: You create articles known as lens and advertisement is shown on your lenses and the revenue generated from there is accumulated in a common pool and you get paid according to the popularity of your lenses.

Use the below links to learn more about Squidoo.


A recent addition to list of revenue sharing websites. image

I haven't written any thing on this one but have read and heard good things about this. You can sign up from this link (aff. link).

This was launched in 2011 in the wake of a major algorithm change in Google's search engine known as Google Panda. Wizzley is very similar to Hubpages.

4| Your Blog

So you don't want to write on sites which share revenue. Then go on and create your own blog about something that you have enough knowledge. The key is to write regularly and provide real value to the reader of the blog.image

By providing original and well-written articles that help people they will return back to read more from you.

Just imagine why you buy the newspaper daily or watch the news daily, because they provide you information that is good for you.

Create a blog that people will love to read and comeback for more.

Do Small Task

The internet has opened up many unique models of business. The internet has made the world very short. It can bring many people together for interaction and communication becomes easy.

This is what the below business models do. It takes the advantage of crowd. The below first two sites are crowd-sourcing websites and the third one is another unique way to earn from your skills.


Mechanical Turk as it is called is the place where employers upload task, which are generally short task such as finding an email ID, writing a description of business, transcribing an audio, or to find some specific information on the web.image

The employer or requester may have thousands of task (known as HITs) where workers like you (there would be many) can complete the task and get paid. HITs pay anywhere between 0.2 $ to even .50 $ depending on the employer and the work involved. The task can often be completed within a minute or two and for us Indians we can withdraw the amount in Indian rupees by requesting a cheque.

I have written some extremely pointed hubs detailing every aspect of Mturk, links below. Have a look at them before hoping out to signup.


Similar to mturk they also operate on the same lines. In my opinion mturk is way ahead when compared with microworkers but they can be used as a substitute when you don't have any suitable work on mturk.image

Another good thing about crowd-sourcing sites are that they don't require any sort of bidding process in order to work on the task. - The link provides all the necessary information and the details like how you get paid, what sort of work is involved etc.


Another unique business model that is great for a side income. List anything that you can do for five dollars and get paid if anyone avails your services.

imageIt is on you what you want to work for; that maybe writing an article, or it can be to be provide a handcrafted greeting card or even singing a birthday song for someone.

Just join the site and most of the things there are easily understandable.

Freelance Sites

If you have been looking to work online for sometime then you must have heard about freelance sites. Below are my personal favorites freelancing websites. Both are really strong in connecting workers with employers.


If you have specific work experience about a certain field then you can bid and work on the projects here.image

Getting projects is very tough on these sites but if you have expertise and have a good portfolio of previous work then it gets easier to get projects. There are many kinds of projects in there but majorly I see writing, web designing, and programming projects.


Another site to get freelance work is Elance.

image Both Odesk and Elance guarantee that you will get paid for the work you do and there are many checks and balances in place to benefit both the employers and the freelancers.

I will say that joining more than two freelance sites is more than enough. If you don't get a project despite trying hard then it's time to accept it and move on for other avenues.

Sell Products


Ebay is one of the giants of online shopping. The business model of Ebay is such that anybody can set their own shop and list their products and sell them for a profit.image

Become a seller and start to earn. Let me admit to say that though many are earning here but I haven't yet had any success on Ebay. To sell on Ebay is just like setting your own shop elsewhere. You need to invest money and time to get something out of it. If you are ready to take a plunge then go ahead and make it possible.